During the Bronzeville International III Urban Innovation Summit 2009, convened at U.S. Cellular Filed (White Sox Park) on Friday, Dercember 18, 2009, I was approached by Jonathan Fine President of Preservation Chicago Gapers Block: Airbags - Jonathan Fine, Preservation Chicago. Mr Fine asked me about the status of the historic landmark Pickford Theater building located at 35th & Michigan.
I informed Mr. Fine, that I too was concerned about the status of the Pickford Theater building, fearing potential demolition possibilities proposed by the current owners, DeLaSalle High school,. I also informed Mr. Fine that, as a long term 3rd Ward resident, you Alderman Dowell and I, did not currently have a positive working relationship. I suggested that Paula Robinson, President of the Black Metropolis National Heritage Area Commission and Mr Fine approach Alderman Dowell directly and ask her what was the status of the Pickford Theater which is located in the 3rd Ward.
I was informed by Mr Fine, that Alderman Dowell, allegedly told him and Ms Robinson that there was nothing left in the Pickford Theater building representing the authentic African American cultural legacy of the historic Bronzeville community, and therefore the landmark building was not worth saving!
Obviously, Mayor Richard M. Daley and the Black Metropolis Convention & Tourism Council (BMC&TC) a 501c3 Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) representing the historic bronzeville community, does not agree with your stated position on the future the landmark Pickford Theater building. Therefore, BMC&TC in this letter, respectfully requests through the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, all written correspondence between your 3rd ward aldermanic office and DelaSalle High school, in regard to the status of the Pickford Theater building since the building was awarded in 2007 to DeLaSalle High School, by a city council ordinance approved by Mayor Richard M. Daley.
In the past two years, BMC&TC is totally unaware of any pubilc or private community outreach meetings convened by DeLaSalle High School with community-based cultural organization in Bronzeville, to involve the tax payers in creating an inclusive redevelopment plan for the historically significant Pickford Theater building.
In conclusion, BMC&TC is respectfully offering the Bronzeville Visitor Information Center, Gift Shop, Exhibit Gallery and Community Planning Studio as a neutral space for the Alderman of the 3rd Ward to host a public meeting. Residents of the 3rd Ward in Bronzeville, are calling on you as the duly elected official to convene a pubilc meeting where all potential stakeholders are invited to participate inclusively in the planned restoration and adaptive re-use of the landmark Pickford theater building,strategically located within the Black Metropolis National Heritage Area.
Harold L. Lucas President BMC&TC Community Activist/Organizer 3rd Ward Resident
Thank you for registering for the “Can a Promise Zone Happen in your Neighborhood?” webcast on March 25. We are very excited by the level of engagement and positive response from the community thought-leaders in attendance and enjoyed the opportunity to engage such a broad spectrum of attendees. We appreciate the significant interest in the collaborative approach to solving such a complex problem. Congratulations in taking the first steps to making this a reality for your community.
With over $650,000,000 in recently-announced federal grant opportunities directed specifically to accountability and performance management in the education and non-profit space, including $1,000,000 dedicated specifically towards developing and implementing performance management systems for nonprofits, the momentum behind the outcomes movement is definitely still building! Social Solutions has been an advocate for this movement for 10 years. Our customers (including Harlem Children’s Zone, the City of Hartford, and Thrive by 5) have been the leaders and innovators who embrace performance management as a key component to their organization’s and community’s success.
We would like to continue the Promise Zone dialogue regardless of what stage you’re in. To schedule a 15-minute conversation to address your needs and share ideas how best to help you and your community, you’re invited to respond to this e-mail or call 443.460.3386. We can also discuss the recent announcements regarding the Investing in Innovation and Nonprofit Capacity Building grant programs.
An archived webcast and corresponding slides are available upon request.
Additionally, Paul Tough is available for speaking engagements if you’d like to bring him into your community to help inspire your efforts. Please visit his website for more details www.paultough.com.
Sincerely, April Rose Director of Integrated Youth Services 443-460-3386 866-732-4560 ext. 3386 arose@socialsolutions.com
Dear Mel Monroe, although you don't mention the Bronzeville Visitor Information Center, Gift Shop & Exhibit Gallery in your call for support of local business enterprises in Bronzeville, the spirit of community collaboration in your message is strong. The deeper problem that is currently and historically blocking Bronzeville from becoming a premier heritage tourism destination featuring multiple sites and attractions, is the culture of greed and corruption that dominates Chicago and Illinois politics. This attached article clearly demonstates how corrupt politicians install underworld gangsters in city jobs at McCormick Place and Navy Pier, thereby robbing the tax payers of Illinois and perserving the status quo.
Is the culture of political patronage and corruption in Chicago politics destroying the heritage tourism industry in the State of Illinois?
The tragic fight now gone public at Chicago State University (CSU) between Prof. Haki Madhubuti, formerly known as Don Lee, protege' of Gwendoln Brooks Illinois Poet Laureate, and the controversial newly appointed president of CSU, Wayne Watson, is a struggle between patronage politics and the Black empowerment movement in Chicago.
Prof. Haki Madhubuti, has served on the advisory board of the Black Metropolis Convention & Tourism Council (BMC&TC) since its inception in 1996. Mr. Madhubuti has carried the historical literary torch and legacy of Gwendolyn Brooks to the next level of education by establishing the Gwendolyn Brooks Center at Chicago State University. As a advisory board member, Prof. Madhubuti's wisdom as an educator and freedom fighter in the Black empowerment movement makes up the foundation of BMC&TC.
BMC&TC has emerged as the premier African American oriented Destination Marketing Organizization (DMO) for the historic Bronzeville community. BMC&TC owns and operates the Bronzeville Visitor Information Center, Gift Shop and Exhibit Gallery. BMC&TC enterprises are strategically located in the restored landmark Supreme Life building, 3501 South Martin Luther King Drive at the Gateway to the Black Metropolis National Heritage Area.
Since 1983 BMC&TC has been an avid supporter of the literary and educational contributions of Haki Madhubuti and his wife, Dr. Safisha Madhubuti. As you mentioned in your commentary, together they founded the Institute for Positive Education/New Concept School, which were educational anchors in the black empowerment movement in Chicago.
More recently, Madhubuti and his education team, which includes BMC&TC Treasurer Anthony Taifa Daniels, developed the Betty Shabazz International Charter School, Barbara A. Sizemore Middle School, and the DuSable Leadership Academy in the historic Bronzeville community.
Haki Madhubuti's life long mission and committment to the emancipation of African Americans through progressive education initiatives is highly regarded by anyone who has knowledge of the Black empowerment movement in Chicago.
The faculty at Chicago State University, including the new president, Doctor Wayne Watson, need to be more respectful of authentic iconic African American leaders in their midst. Haki Madhubuti sacrificed world wide fame and fortune to fight the protracted struggle for quality education and economic emancipation for Black people that is still raging in Chicago,
Will Chicago State University become a battleground between the Black Empowerment movement and Chicago style patronage politics? Or, will cooler heads prevail in the negotiations necessary between the Chicago State University board of governors, faculty and student body in retaining the leadership and wisdom of Prof. Haki Madhubuti as the 'University Distinguished Professor and "Emeritus of the Gwendolyn Brooks Center"?
If not, the Negro share derived from the benefits of patronage politics in Chicago is not enough. Therefore Dr. Wayne Watson must be forced by elightened African American tax payers of Chicago, Illinois to resign.
Harold L. Lucas president/CEO Black Metropolis Convention & Tourism Council Gift Shop & Exhibit Gallery 3501 South Martin Luther King Drive, Suite One East Chicago, Illinois 60653 Tel # 773-373-2842 E-mail: visitbronzeville@gmail.com Web site portal: www.bviconline.info
Rumors abound that first term 26th District Illinois State Representative Will Burns, will be 4th Ward Alderman Toni Preckwinkle's choice to replace her in the Chicago City Council.
Some concerned 4th Ward residents, business leaders and civic engagement activists, who have deep cultural and historical roots in the Bronzeville community think that Chicago based national publicist and local business entrepreneur Delmarie Cobb, would be a wiser more experienced choice and voice as 4th Ward Alderman should Toni Preckwinkle win election as County Board President in November 2010.
Open Letter to 3rd Ward Alderman, Patricia Dowell
Dear Alderman Dowell:
During the Bronzeville International III Urban Innovation Summit 2009, convened at U.S. Cellular Filed (White Sox Park) on Friday, Dercember 18, 2009, I was approached by Jonathan Fine President of Preservation Chicago Gapers Block: Airbags - Jonathan Fine, Preservation Chicago. Mr Fine asked me about the status of the historic landmark Pickford Theater building located at 35th & Michigan.
I informed Mr. Fine, that I too was concerned about the status of the Pickford Theater building, fearing potential demolition possibilities proposed by the current owners, DeLaSalle High school,. I also informed Mr. Fine that, as a long term 3rd Ward resident, you Alderman Dowell and I, did not currently have a positive working relationship. I suggested that Paula Robinson, President of the Black Metropolis National Heritage Area Commission and Mr Fine approach Alderman Dowell directly and ask her what was the status of the Pickford Theater which is located in the 3rd Ward.
I was informed by Mr Fine, that Alderman Dowell, allegedly told him and Ms Robinson that there was nothing left in the Pickford Theater building representing the authentic African American cultural legacy of the historic Bronzeville community, and therefore the landmark building was not worth saving!
Obviously, Mayor Richard M. Daley and the Black Metropolis Convention & Tourism Council (BMC&TC) a 501c3 Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) representing the historic bronzeville community, does not agree with your stated position on the future the landmark Pickford Theater building. Therefore, BMC&TC in this letter, respectfully requests through the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, all written correspondence between your 3rd ward aldermanic office and DelaSalle High school, in regard to the status of the Pickford Theater building since the building was awarded in 2007 to DeLaSalle High School, by a city council ordinance approved by Mayor Richard M. Daley.
In the past two years, BMC&TC is totally unaware of any pubilc or private community outreach meetings convened by DeLaSalle High School with community-based cultural organization in Bronzeville, to involve the tax payers in creating an inclusive redevelopment plan for the historically significant Pickford Theater building.
In conclusion, BMC&TC is respectfully offering the Bronzeville Visitor Information Center, Gift Shop, Exhibit Gallery and Community Planning Studio as a neutral space for the Alderman of the 3rd Ward to host a public meeting. Residents of the 3rd Ward in Bronzeville, are calling on you as the duly elected official to convene a pubilc meeting where all potential stakeholders are invited to participate inclusively in the planned restoration and adaptive re-use of the landmark Pickford theater building,strategically located within the Black Metropolis National Heritage Area.
Harold L. Lucas
President BMC&TC
Community Activist/Organizer
3rd Ward Resident
Dear Harold L. Lucas
Thank you for registering for the “Can a Promise Zone Happen in your Neighborhood?” webcast on March 25. We are very excited by the level of engagement and positive response from the community thought-leaders in attendance and enjoyed the opportunity to engage such a broad spectrum of attendees. We appreciate the significant interest in the collaborative approach to solving such a complex problem. Congratulations in taking the first steps to making this a reality for your community.
With over $650,000,000 in recently-announced federal grant opportunities directed specifically to accountability and performance management in the education and non-profit space, including $1,000,000 dedicated specifically towards developing and implementing performance management systems for nonprofits, the momentum behind the outcomes movement is definitely still building! Social Solutions has been an advocate for this movement for 10 years. Our customers (including Harlem Children’s Zone, the City of Hartford, and Thrive by 5) have been the leaders and innovators who embrace performance management as a key component to their organization’s and community’s success.
We would like to continue the Promise Zone dialogue regardless of what stage you’re in. To schedule a 15-minute conversation to address your needs and share ideas how best to help you and your community, you’re invited to respond to this e-mail or call 443.460.3386. We can also discuss the recent announcements regarding the Investing in Innovation and Nonprofit Capacity Building grant programs.
An archived webcast and corresponding slides are available upon request.
Additionally, Paul Tough is available for speaking engagements if you’d like to bring him into your community to help inspire your efforts. Please visit his website for more details www.paultough.com.
April Rose
Director of Integrated Youth Services
866-732-4560 ext. 3386
Dear Mel Monroe, although you don't mention the Bronzeville Visitor Information Center, Gift Shop & Exhibit Gallery in your call for support of local business enterprises in Bronzeville, the spirit of community collaboration in your message is strong. The deeper problem that is currently and historically blocking Bronzeville from becoming a premier heritage tourism destination featuring multiple sites and attractions, is the culture of greed and corruption that dominates Chicago and Illinois politics. This attached article clearly demonstates how corrupt politicians install underworld gangsters in city jobs at McCormick Place and Navy Pier, thereby robbing the tax payers of Illinois and perserving the status quo.
Is the culture of political patronage and corruption in Chicago politics destroying the heritage tourism industry in the State of Illinois?
Dear Mary Mitchell:
The tragic fight now gone public at Chicago State University (CSU) between Prof. Haki Madhubuti, formerly known as Don Lee, protege' of Gwendoln Brooks Illinois Poet Laureate, and the controversial newly appointed president of CSU, Wayne Watson, is a struggle between patronage politics and the Black empowerment movement in Chicago.
Prof. Haki Madhubuti, has served on the advisory board of the Black Metropolis Convention & Tourism Council (BMC&TC) since its inception in 1996. Mr. Madhubuti has carried the historical literary torch and legacy of Gwendolyn Brooks to the next level of education by establishing the Gwendolyn Brooks Center at Chicago State University. As a advisory board member, Prof. Madhubuti's wisdom as an educator and freedom fighter in the Black empowerment movement makes up the foundation of BMC&TC.
BMC&TC has emerged as the premier African American oriented Destination Marketing Organizization (DMO) for the historic Bronzeville community. BMC&TC owns and operates the Bronzeville Visitor Information Center, Gift Shop and Exhibit Gallery. BMC&TC enterprises are strategically located in the restored landmark Supreme Life building, 3501 South Martin Luther King Drive at the Gateway to the Black Metropolis National Heritage Area.
Since 1983 BMC&TC has been an avid supporter of the literary and educational contributions of Haki Madhubuti and his wife, Dr. Safisha Madhubuti. As you mentioned in your commentary, together they founded the Institute for Positive Education/New Concept School, which were educational anchors in the black empowerment movement in Chicago.
More recently, Madhubuti and his education team, which includes BMC&TC Treasurer Anthony Taifa Daniels, developed the Betty Shabazz International Charter School, Barbara A. Sizemore Middle School, and the DuSable Leadership Academy in the historic Bronzeville community.
Haki Madhubuti's life long mission and committment to the emancipation of African Americans through progressive education initiatives is highly regarded by anyone who has knowledge of the Black empowerment movement in Chicago.
The faculty at Chicago State University, including the new president, Doctor Wayne Watson, need to be more respectful of authentic iconic African American leaders in their midst. Haki Madhubuti sacrificed world wide fame and fortune to fight the protracted struggle for quality education and economic emancipation for Black people that is still raging in Chicago,
Will Chicago State University become a battleground between the Black Empowerment movement and Chicago style patronage politics? Or, will cooler heads prevail in the negotiations necessary between the Chicago State University board of governors, faculty and student body in retaining the leadership and wisdom of Prof. Haki Madhubuti as the 'University Distinguished Professor and "Emeritus of the Gwendolyn Brooks Center"?
If not, the Negro share derived from the benefits of patronage politics in Chicago is not enough. Therefore Dr. Wayne Watson must be forced by elightened African American tax payers of Chicago, Illinois to resign.
Harold L. Lucas
Black Metropolis Convention & Tourism Council
Gift Shop & Exhibit Gallery
3501 South Martin Luther King Drive, Suite One East
Chicago, Illinois 60653
Tel # 773-373-2842
E-mail: visitbronzeville@gmail.com
Web site portal: www.bviconline.info
Rumors abound that first term 26th District Illinois State Representative Will Burns, will be 4th Ward Alderman Toni Preckwinkle's choice to replace her in the Chicago City Council.
Some concerned 4th Ward residents, business leaders and civic engagement activists, who have deep cultural and historical roots in the Bronzeville community think that Chicago based national publicist and local business entrepreneur Delmarie Cobb, would be a wiser more experienced choice and voice as 4th Ward Alderman should Toni Preckwinkle win election as County Board President in November 2010.
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